Friday, June 5, 2009


she was the reason i thought the sky is blue
she made me think she was my sun
she gave the perfect green grasses their colour and their shape..
she gave me a hope .. a dream .. a vision..
now shes gone.. and i can see through my transperant new clothes..
i see
the sky is only blue due to ozone and pollutants..
the sun is only bright due to explosions between matter and anti matter
the leaves are green but are lined with blades that cut our hands..

rocks seem harder
love seems meaningless
she has faded
i have faded..
zombifying the life out of so many ..
a world devoid of emotions ..
devoid of colour..
just blank empty faces..
staring at each other..
what point is there?
why live on?


  1. any emotion if it is sincere, is involuntary

  2. i believe everything can be linked to a sincere and involuntary emotion..
    there will always be a reason....

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  6. who ever you are anonymous, i post what i want to post , you have not been forced to read it ..
    i ask that you respect my freedom of speech as i do not think that i have offended you in my post in any way.

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