Friday, June 26, 2009

the apology.

good evening, my friend.
i hope you can still consider me as a friend.
i realise now that i have indeed wronged you.
you were right all along ,whilst i was just too stubborn to listen.
now i've practically drIven a stake through our friendship.
i treasure you.
yet time and Time again you talk .
your word so perfect.
yet whom you speak of , whom you describe is so not worthy.
i hAve seen your crush.
i have seen him beneath the vivdly painted "knight-in-shinning-armour" facade he has lied to you with.
whereas me in preventing the matrimony between an angel and a demon.
i am taken for as your enemy.
i understand it pains you the way i describe him.
that i know. that i understand.
i know you will not forgive me so easily.
but all i have to offer onto you is a listening ear when you are alone.
a shoulder on which to cry on,
a complement when you feel useless.
you are not useless.
i am not trying to justify my doings,
only , it is my onus to say this.
i am sorry.


  1. like i said i'd use your christian name instead of ur chinese 1 .... can u see it? :)

  2. LOL. someone found his love!! hahaha
