Sunday, December 6, 2009

day 6.5

the long march takes her toll on us..
our eye bags darken...
our calf muscles pulling taut against our joints..
but renewed in strength ..
the saw a group of cadets weak eager to retreat..
but we shall stand and we will not yield..

for long now....
the journey has begun
as we walk onwards our differences are cut down
barriers broken
dreams formed
a life beyond the next activity
a life beyond the harsh words
a life of empowerment

as we march onwards
the jimminy cricket within us reminds us
of the image that which we are to uphold
calmness in the center of the tornado
the sense of urgency in a slowly fading wind
the life of a fish battling for his life against the receding tide

just one of them
just another soldier
just another leader
just another you...

the code : move faster think better do more
is no longer a code we live by..
it is our standing order
we must be better
for our alma mater
for our reputation
for our corps
no more will there be me, you, him, her....
but only a we....

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