You are staring blankly into your computer. or perhaps this isn't your computer. maybe one of those tiny email gizmo of tommorrow's techy geeks..
but anyhow. you are reading this..
squinting your eyes to read the works of this innocent post
you now mock the author for those whom truly know how guilty of crime the author really is ..
how this blog set up is just a mere facade that eludes young and old on how guilty the author is ..
the author ..yes him of whom instructs me ..he of whom instructs you ..and the rest of us
.. no the author is not me ..
.. no the author is not human..
.. the author merely script writes everything that hasd happenned, is going to happen , and even now as you realise how impossibly lousy he is making my grammar sound in a desperate but truely beyond hope of repair's immitation of "on a winter's night a traveller'
you wonder how this post is of any importance to you ..
why is it so different from the others..
why is it that the author hides his emotions in encrypted vocabulary sprawled over the page...
why does he talk as if he is someone else..
you sit back..
mocking this webpage as it seems plain , dull coloured , and has the what-look-like an-obituary picture of the author himself..
there is no music ..
there is no colour ..
just light showing you a point of view that seems rather unusual to most ..
this is not just any post..
this is a charm ..
the kind like those little shoe-laced bracelets you used to wear and make for your girlfriends..
yes .. you may find this very amusing .. or on the other hand a-bloody-waste-of-my-time.
but ..this is unique .. you realize now that iit is indeed very different..
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